Re: Some questions and tips


Jeff Waugh wrote:

<quote who="Sandeep Khanna">

But, I had some duplicate entries in the Main Application Menu and it's sub-menus.

That's due to having both the 1.x and 2.x desktop components installed at
the same time.

Hmm... I think u are right. Thanks.

Also, How do I add more applications or general stuff to Gnome 2 , like install an application and it shows up in the Gnome 2 menu?

It just mentions about Gnome 2 for different distributions. What about Gnome 2 apps?

Why can't Nautilus 1.0.6 display Authentication dialog for SMB shares/machines on the network?

Nautilus 1.0.6 is the old GNOME 1.x version. Neither it, nor 2.x provides
the auth dialogue for SMB because... no one has added that capability yet.


Also, It would be great to have A Network-Neighbourhood icon on the desktop that uses Nautilus for SMB browsing & sharing. I did that as follows:
sandeepk sandeepk ~/.gnome-desktop $ cat Network\ Neighborhood.desktop
/[Desktop Entry]
Name=Network Neighbourhood
sandeepk sandeepk ~/.gnome-desktop $

There is no Sharing option in the Properties Menu of folders in Garnome (Gnome 2) !!! which is there in Gnome 1.4

Both of these are Mandrake-specific features in their version of GNOME 1.x.

I have Mandrake 8.2 + Gnome 1.4 running on another desktop machine (*Intel P-II 333 Mhz, 192 Mb Ram, 4.3 Gb HDD, Matrox Millenium Graphics card with 8 Mb video memory*) and with this inferior configuration in comparison to my laptop, the GUI is a little more if not best, responsive on the desktop !!! Why so?

Are you asking why the preformance is better on your desktop, or on your

Yes, My question is that why is the GUI performance in Linux so poor on laptops as compared to desktops? And what more can be done to improve it. My graphics card is Trident CyberBlade i7d with 8 Mb VRAM and I am using the trident driver for X which is not accelerated and I do not wish to pay for commercial accelerated drivers.

One thing I noted was that KDE 2.x with the latest Mandrake 8.2 is much much faster than it's previous releases and also faster than GNOME !!! Well, Not in all apps but, in case of the Browsers (Konqueror vs Mozilla), Menus are quick and responsive, good program start feedback (xalf is no good, just a cheap imitation), runaway process catcher, etc. This makes me rethink, whether it's the driver problem or GNOME specific problem.

Windows has always been very very smooth both in it's graphics and responsiveness on my laptop.

The first day I saw Nautilus, I knew that this is the thing for Linux. It's simply great ! Although, many people complain about it being slow in starting, displaying stuff, and crashing often.
To make your Nautilus experience faster, in the Nautilus preferences:

 1. Disable the usage of smoother graphics in the Appearance section.
 2. Disable all the tabs (U might leave the tree tab if you like) in
    the Sidebars Panels. Henceforth, no slowness and no crashes :)
 3. Disable the "Show count of files in folders" option in Speed
    Tradeoffs section.
 4. Disable "Show Text in Icons" option in Speed Tradeoffs section.

Try Nautilus now, u will be amazed at it's speed.

These are mostly settings for Nautilus 1.0.6. The 2.x versions are far
faster in every way.

I observed that. You are right. Thanks.

Sandeep Khanna

- Jeff

Sandeep Khanna
Professional Software Developer
Java, Linux, PHP, XML professional
Contact Number: (Home) 1-610-964-1320 (Office) 1-610-832-0230 Ext (106)

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