[Fwd: Re: GNOME Years]

> > Crazy request #283... Um, can we try and find out the average age of
> > foundation members? Or GNOME hackers? I think it would be fairly intriguing.
Actually with the elections comming up it would be nice to have a
summary of the current elected board: 

How often they turned up, and how often the didn't even say "Hey, cant
make this one"

What tasks they were given/took on and how many they achieved etc

basically are they doing thier job or are they to busy doing other
things, and what has held things up.

> More than anything else, the 70% figure disturbed me.  Only 1.3%
> classified themselves as "ordinary computer users".  This is way, way

And the 95% male stat is not good.  Neither stat are good and unlikely
to change without people buying pre installed linux.  End of story.  I
know a lot of people who are "into" computers, and thing they are pretty
knowledgable and would say so in a suervey, but they have either had
problems installing linux and gave up or simply don't belive the hype,
that being that linux is stable. 

So, if above average users wont change, mom and pop arn't going to

Look at it another way, how many mac users are mac users because they
went to a computer store and the iMac just looked so pretty?  

Or look at it from a car sales point of view, how many people are down
at the car yard demanding eco friendly cars?  A few, how many are
driving cleaner cars because the law said they had to be made that way? 

I'm not saying it's hope less, just that unless ordinary folks are made
aware that they have a choice, and made aware that open software is
better for them then the manufacturers arn't going to give them a
choice.  Example, the outlook virus propagtor, still going strong years
after some philpino guy loved the world :o)

Me, Im a soon to be 32 year old living in my 5th decade...  huh?  Well I
got in a month and a few days of the 60's :o)


  Rob Brown-Bayliss

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