Re: Accessing GNOME

On Mon, 2001-10-29 at 12:37, Jim George wrote:
> I'm brand new to Ximian Gnome and amd having problems with the
> startup/login.
> I want to use kdes' login manager (kdm) as my family prefer kde to gnome
> (for the moment), and I want to be able to choose between kde and
> gnome.  My problem is that I can't seem to select invoke gnome.
> I tried adding sawfish to the session types in kdm but all I get is the
> xconsole and not windowmanager.
> I also tried using gdm but my keyboard locks up after 10 seconds or so
> and I can do no more.  I see on the console an error message about
> uknown language types but that's all.
> Please can someone tell me how to setup kdm so that I can get into gnome
> or gdm so that I can get into kde and gdm with the keyboard working.

I have not worked with KDM. The one bit of advice I have is this: to
start gnome, the command that needs to be run is gnome-session. If you
can create a session type for KDM that simply runs gnome-session, that
should do it.


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