Re: gdk_pixbuf

On Mon, 2001-10-22 at 05:10, walter valenti wrote:
> Hi, i'm new of the list. I don't know if this is the proper mailing-list
> for my question.

Docs list probably isn't the best place, but gnome-list should be just

> I want install the gnome-core on local for not overwrite the
> Debian's Gnome.
> I've got a problem with the "gdk-pixbuf": i install gdk-pixbuf0.11.0 on
> /usr/local/lib and i type ldconfig (the file contains
> /usr/local/lib !!) but the the configure of gnome-core don't finds the
> gdk-pixbuf.
> In the configure of gnome-core ther'isnt a option to locate this library
> (like for example for gnome-libs); i could change the to
> create a new configure with autoconf, but i don't know how do.
> Someone can help me????

Do you have the gdk-pixbuf-dev package installed?  If so, you'l need to
remove it before gnome-core will find your locally installed headers. 
You cannot have 2 copies of the gdk-pixbuf headers installed at the same
time and have things work correctly.  (at least, not two copies of the
gdk-pixbuf headers from the GNOME 1 version)

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