Re: Language selection?

On 13/11 2001 14:10 Toralf Lund wrote:
>From linux.redhat.misc (got no response, and this list appears to
be relevant for the question),

> How exectly is language/locale selection supposed to work in Red Hat
> 7.2? I now have
> % env | grep LANG
> LANG=en_US
> This is a result of setting language to "US English" when installing
> Linux, but selecting 'C' locale at (gdm) login time. Shouldn't LANG be
> set to the same value as GDM_LANG? Or is there a different way to
> specify it's value?
Hmmm. It looks like /etc/profile.d/lang.csh will assign the value of GDM_LANG to _local_ variable LANG, but not the update the environment; it uses "set" rather than "setenv". Is that what it's meant to do, or is it a bug? (I know this is somewhat off-topic, but I'm never quite sure where to ask this kind of questions.)

- Toralf

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