Re: problems starting RedCarpet

> I have problems starting Red Carpet, it blocks when starts to download
> artwork channel.
> I recent install gnome 1.4 and after install Red Carpet works ok, I
> install all the packets that it sugest to me and now I cannot run again
> Red Carpet

I think I have more information about my problem, using tcpdump I see
that when redcarpet blocks waiting channel artwork, tcpdump shows a
packed to

Now I remember that the last time that I could use I changed the mirrow
because the main site download very slow, I change the mirrow to a
France one (I think it was or something like this), I suspent
that this change could be the problem

The question now is how I can change the redcarpet mirrow, without
starting it (because now it never end the initialization nor I can use
the redcarpet menus to change nothing), which configuration file I need
to change?

thanks a lot

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