Hi, i downloaded ximian gnome 1.4 with red carpert
tool, i went to their site and downloaded the installer but it came the turbo
linux (i use suse 7.0) installer so i went to manual instalation and
downloaded the instaler for Suse 6.3, after red carpet instaled gnome it asked
if i want to set it auto(if i would use only gnome) or manualy (if i
had more than gnome runing) i choosed manualy. But now i dont know how to start
gnome, i added gnome to the suse login (where you choose the user and the wm you
want to log in) with kde login manager, i try gnome but it takes me to kde
not gnome! I now that gnome script is in /etc/x11/gdm/sessions, where i
should copy this in order to get gnome working?
Or, how i get gnome working?