Re: gnome-print and fonts (Gnumeric)


If you compile gnome-print from source, there is an script in base directory, that
you can execute (it is executed by make install anyways):

perl run-gnome-font-install installer/gnome-fonts-install . .

It should extract font locations from your ghostscript installation - but I have told, that
sometimes it fails on that. In latter case you either:
- edit perl script by hand and add urw font path to default paths (unless it is already
- run the actual installer program by hand (but its syntax for first-time installation is
  quite complex):

installer/gnome-font-install [options] [directories]

--debug - print out debugging information (useful)
--target - resulting fontmap file (should be $prefix/share/fonts/fontmap2)
--afm-path=PATH - base path for afm files (you can specify more than 1 option) -
  look discussion about fontmap files
--pfb-path=PATH - base path for pfb files (same)
--assignment=KEY,PATH - specify base path for keyed relative file locations
--fontmap-path=PATH - directory to look for fontmap files

Additionally directories are scanned for installable fonts (you need
at least one afm + one pfb to create font)

fontmap files are distributed together with gnome-print, and these
specify some almost standard fonts + locations (like X and TeX ones).
In addition fontmap files specify relative positions of fonts. These
can be simply relative dirs (in which case --afm-path or --pfb-path
will be used as base). Or these can be arbitrary keys (only key
"ghostscript" is used in gnome-print distribution) - in which case the base(s)
should be given by --assignment option.
Plus they specify URW font aliases. Namely URW fonts do not have "real"
names - like Helvetica due to licensing problems. fontmap files define
necessary association between afm with real font name and pfb with
"fake" one, so gnome-print can use fonts with real names.

In my system (RH 7.0) installer is run initially as (in gnome-print build dir):

installer/gnome-font-install \
  --debug \
  --afm-path=/usr/share/fonts/afms \
  --pfb-path=/usr/share/fonts \
  --target=./fonts/fontmap2 \
  --assignment=ghostscript,/usr/share/ghostscript/5.50 \
  --assignment=ghostscript,/usr/share/fonts/default/ghostscript \
  --assignment=ghostscript,/usr/share/fonts/default/Type1 \

This syntax is only needed for initial install (you need font description files to specify
aliases). Later, if you want to add fonts, you simply run:

gnome-font-install --target=PATH [directories]

Where target is resulting font database file ($prefix/share/fonts/fontmap2 or
And directories are arbitrary number of directories, containing afm and pfb files.

Or, if using binary packages, your distribution maintainer should have set up
correct installation process in postinit scripts.

Best wishes,
Lauris Kaplinski

On 27 Mar 2001 19:20:27 +0000, Bart Kuik wrote:
> Hello,
> I've installed my whole XFree86 + Gnome-desktop from sources on my
> Slackware-box, but Gnumeric (0.64) won't work coz it can't find some
> fonts. I know this is a problem of gnome-print (0.27), and I managed
> once to install the URW-font package but i don't remember how. Only
> thing I remember is that I used a manual on the www (anywhere on
> I already found it again (dunno where exactly) but this time
> I don't understand it or it just doesn't work. Other problem was that
> the fonts in that package are few and crappy. Can anyone tell me how to
> install them anyway? and maybe some other free fonts?
> Bart
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