Re: Numerous problems with Ximian/Helix Gnome on RH 7.0

> Has anyone else been having problems with the latest Ximian/Helix Gnome
> suite on RedHat 7.0?  I posted one problem already where child windows
> (IDL plot windows) didn't get focused unless one actually clicked the
> title bar, or tried to resize the window.

> ....

> Is this a buggy release?  Should I try to go back to the Gnome
> distributed with RedHat, or is it possible the default settings for RH's
> gnome configuration are significantly different than the default
> configuration that comes with Ximian, and I'm just not familiar enough
> with configuring Gnome to fix this problem?

I had enough lockups with Ximian and RedHat 7 that I started losing files on 
my hard disk after having to hit the reset key.  When I lost my VMware NT 
drive image it was the last straw and I switched to Debian, which has worked 
much better.


Beirne "Bern" Konarski  
beirne neo rr com	"Untouched by Scandal"

Beirne "Bern" Konarski  
beirne neo rr com	"Untouched by Scandal"

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