gdm locks up my keyboard?


I recently updated my sources.list to Ximian Gnome 1.4beta. After
upgrading my system shows some weird behaviour at login: when I
attempt to login using gdm straight after a reboot, my keyboard
is *totally* dead. I mean totally, I can't switch to a virtual
terminal, I can't kill X, and I can't do a Ctrl-Alt-Del to
reboot. Thankfully I can reboot the system from gdm.
The only way to avoid this is to to press Ctrl-Alt-F1 just while
gdm comes up during boot, login at the console,  disable gdm and
start it again. It continues functioning normally from that
point, so it is only a minor irrtation (as I don't reboot often),
but I still wonder: is this a bug in gdm or do I have something
BTW minor detail: gdm starts first on console #2, upon restart it
runs on console #7.

Distribution:                  Debian GNU/Linux
Distribution Version:          testing/unstable
Operating System Release:      2.2.18


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