Re: office application

On Wed, Dec 26, 2001 at 02:47:52PM +0530 or thereabouts, Rahul Garg wrote:
> what i want to know is if there is any thing like msoffice in GNOME or KDE
> in RedHat Linux 7.1 in KDE there is koffice. I presently work  in GNOME.
> though both are installed. is there anything in GNOME. or can KOFFICE work 
> thru GNOME . any others?

Not having used Windows, I've never quite been sure what MS Office
*does*. But there is a group of apps which are collectively called
Gnome Office which have a website
and which are meant to replicate its functions. 

And yes, you can run KDE apps whilst running Gnome and vice versa.


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