Re: Wallpaper changer app?

Thanks for your reply.

I want to set things up so that I have a different family picture show up on the 
background of Gnome.  The pictures (jpgs and bmps) are all in a directory accessible 
by Linux.  What I want is already supplied by KDE's background configuration.  I am 
surprised Gnome doesn't supply it.

dj tuchler

On Tue, 4 Dec 2001 15:53:28 +0100 (CET), Mathias Hasselmann wrote:

>On Mon, 3 Dec 2001, Dennis J. Tuchler wrote:
>> Is there an application for Gnome's desktop that displays a graphic on the 
>> and changes it for another graphic (e.g. in a particular directory) each n minutes?
>> There is such a utility included with KDE, but I'd rather use Gnome.
>	All you need is on you *nix box already:
>$ crontab -e
>5 * * * * bash -c xsetroot -display :0 ~/pix/$RANDOM.xpm >/dev/null 2>&1
>	That way you instruct the cron daemon to call bash every five
>minutes. Bash will call xsetroot and tell it to draw a random picture on
>your background (the $RANDOM variable contains a random number generated
>by bash). The output redirections are required since i doubt that you want
>to get mail each time cron tries to run this command and X11 isn't up/not
>owned by you.
>	Well. Looks a but old-school-unix-hackish. But a) Damnit, UNIX 
>rocks! b) Someone might write a little GNOME-GUI to maintain this crontab
>entry. (Guess the crontab entry should point on 
>/usr/lib-exec/ then).
>	Disclamer: Don't know if this works when nautilus 0wnz the desktop
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