Re: copy


Audio CD's don't have a mountable filesystem, so you can't mount them.
What you need to do is extract the audio from the CD's and save them as
WAV files on your computer. This is called "ripping" and there are many
programs available to do this for you. (search for "cd ripper" on
google, I use grip and cdparanoia).

Now you said you want to copy these files to another CD. If you want to
make an audio cd, then you have to have an appropriate program again to
do that. (If you have two cdrom drives, you can have the computer
directly make a copy from one to the other). 

If you want to make a data CD with audio, you can create an iso file
with the appropriate files (I'd suggest converting the wav's to mp3's or
ogg's), and write the iso file.

Search on google for some faqs on this process, as it is beyond the
scope of this list. Good luck.


On 20 Aug 2001 18:51:25 +0200, onsager libero it wrote:
> Hi,
> I think that all of you know linux better than me
> and I try to ask you a little question.
> In order to copy (and to transfer from a computer to another)
> a CD, it is possible to:
> -insert the CD in the driver
> -"read" and copy all the songs LIKE IF THEY WERE FILES
> -finally copy the "files" on another CD, or send them 
>  to another computer
> I tried to do this starting with the trivial command  
> "mount /mnt/cdrom/"
> treating the music CD like an usual CD, but it did not work.
> I hope you can give me some useful suggestion,
>                  Thank you 
>                    Lars

|   Loban Amaan Rahman  <-- anagram of -->  Aha! An Abnormal Man!   |
|  loban earthling net, loban ugcs caltech edu,  |

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