Gnome-Terminal 1.4 Key problems


	I just upgraded my Debian Potato from 1.2 to 1.4 Ximian GNOME,
but my keys are not working very well. In gnome-terminal, END is
translated to ESC-OF and HOME to ESC-OH, and in the previous version
of gnome-terminal (and in xterm, of course) it was translating to
ESC-4~ and ESC-1~. Now all of my console applications do not work
properly. There are some strange behaviour regarding BackSpace and Del
	Also, I can't now move a window pressing ALT and the left
mouse button. Any idea? I only upgraded by apt-get and everything got

PS: Please, CC me as I am not on the list.

Rodrigo S. de Castro <rcastro ime usp br> <rodsc bigfoot com>

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