Nautilus don't boot

Did anyone have the same kind of problem ?
Nautilus refuses to start on my ppc : it complains about somme missing and (I have bonobo-1.0-ximian but the
libraries are denoted and It tried
to make links to my existing libraries with the demanded names but nautilus
says then :
"error in shared library, undefined symbol

I first fought it was a compilation error of nautilus and bonobo (it first
tried to compile it myself from the original sources) but now
I've installed Ximian-gnome (with ximian-installer : it's very very very
slow 	and bad-done  : there should be a way to stop and restart an
installation without redoing the all the process when a problem  -and there
are lots !- stopped the installation) and nautilus-1.02-ximian-ppc and I'm
still stuck.

I tried to deal with scrollkeeper (thought it could be a wrong database...)
and I've done a scrollkeeper-rebuilddb but nautilus still don't start.

Any idea ?

Thank you,
Bertrand Dekoninck.

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