Re: Problem compiling gnome-libs-1.2.13.

On Fri, Apr 20, 2001 at 05:43:48AM -0700 or thereabouts, Raj Wurttemberg wrote:
> Hell All,
> I'm new to this mailing list but not to Linux. :)
> I'm trying to complie gnome-libs-1.2.13 on a fresh 
> install of RedHat 7.1. The ./configure step works 
> beautifully... no problems or errors, but when I try 
> to compile... it compiles for a few minutes and then 
> stops with this error message:

[ton of gnome-metadata.c errors]

Looks familar :) 

Have you got db2 or db3 present on that system? I suspect so.
I think you ran afoul of

> I'm stuck at this point. I have tried this compile on 
> two different computers with RedHat 7.1 installed and 
> they both fail at the same place. I also tried 
> compiling gnome-libs-1.2.3 and had the same results 
> so I am sure I'm am missing something. Any assistance 
> would be appreciated.

Is there a --prefer-db1 option for ./configure? You could try that.
Failing that, remove db2 and db3, try again? 

If either of these work, please get a bugzilla account and add to
the report so people who meet it can look there and know what to 
do about it.

(The correct fix is apparently to make configure notice this
stuff, but I wouldn't know where to begin.)


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