Re: Statement of Direction

red-carpet-admin ximian com wrote:

The Red Carpet developers and the Ximian Core Desktop team have been
working literally around-the-clock to ensure that Ximian GNOME 1.4 kicks
total butt. In the meantime, there have been many improvements that have
been going into RC and its architecture, including making Red Carpet work
on both RPM 3 and 4 systems simultaneously and having a static binary so
that the dependencies of RC go away.
Hold tight; we're still in a beta period and we're working on delivering a
complete, easy-to-use desktop of which Red Carpet is just one piece.


Hey! Why don't we all give these people a break. They're trying to pull together a gargantuan complexity of related programs. Give them some space. If the betas of gnome 1.4, nautilus, and red carpet aren't functional for you yet, go back to what works and wait until they are. The man says it's not ready yet. We've come so far so fast. Could anyone have imagined 3 or 4 years ago that Linux would work as well as it does now? Remember what it was like without Gnome? Would Microsoft have ever even answered a request for a statement of direction? May God bless and refresh your tired brains and fingers and eyes, ye Ximian programmers, and bring your work to completion, and make ye to lie down in green pastures. Thank you, thank you.

Brett Castleberry
A Librarian

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