Re: Enlightment and Background

Hartnett wrote:
> I am playing with my Red Hat 7.0 Ximian Gnome system and had a question on a setting.
> I'm trying out the different Window Managers and can't figure out how to
> add a background image to the Enlightment options for backgrounds.

Place the images you want to use for your backgrounds into
$HOME/.enlightenment/backgrounds.  You may have to restart E before it
sees the images you've added.

> Would someone tell me how this is done?
>                 Thanks
>                 Sean
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Until later: Geoffrey		esoteric denali atlnet com

"Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocre minds.
latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to
hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his
- Albert Einstein

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