Re: kdm (kde) and gnome

Salut Etienne !

You have to edit kdmrc, if don't know where tit is, type :
find / -xdev -name kdmrc -exec emacs {} \;
then check that you have gnome-session on the 'line' SessionTypes=
i.e : SessionTypes=kde,fvwm,failsafe,default,gnome-session
If gnome is in your path, it should work.
The proper way to do this is to write a session file in order to display
'Gnome Is The Best' in the list, but it's longer to explain...

---------- VF ---------------
Il faut que tu édites le fichier kdmrc, par exemple en tapant :
find / -xdev -name kdmrc -exec emacs {} \;
si tu ne sais pas où il se trouve.
Ensuite localise une ligne comme celle-ci :
et vérifie que tu aies bien le gnome-session quelque part...
Ca devrait marcher si le gnome est dans ton chemin...



Em Domingo 08 Abril 2001 10:48, Etienne Gos escreveu:
> Bonjour,
> I'm using debian 2.2.17 and kde 2.1.1.
> I'd like to use gnome to, but I don't know how to configure kdm (my display
> manager) so that I can choose between kde and gnome.
> I've installed gnome, but for now there is no way to start gnome...
> Thanks in advance
> Etienne
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