Locale Problems


I'm not sure where to post this problem, so if you think there's a more
appropriate place please tell me. I have a locale problem...I'm trying
to build glibc from source and have used the following to do so:

CFLAGS="lots of options" ./configure --enable-add-ons

It picks up the "crypt" and "linuxthreads" add on but doesn't seem to
notice the locale or localedata add on. Hence, most Gtk+ and gnome
programs, perl and various other programs complain that "The C library
does not support locale". I looked up the web and found that doing the

localedef -i en_US -f ISO-8859-1 en_US

Might fix the problem. However it does not. I then tried the following:

./configure --enable-add-ons=linuxthreads,crypt,locale,localedata

And I got:

configuring in locale
configure: warning: no configuration information is in locale
configuring in localedata
configure: warning: no configuration information is in localedata

There is a make file but no configure.in inside the localedata
directory. Nonetheless the README says to add "localedata" to the add
ons as I specified. GLIBC's own README says that simply typing
"--enable-add-ons" will check all directories, and if it finds they are
an ad-on, will add on said directory.

I'm using the current RedHat 6.2 source rpm...

The Linux C and C++ Home Pages:
 * http://www.rebel.net.au/~lloy0076/linux_c_programming/index.html

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