Re: Gnome - desktop.

ve1drg fox nstn ca (2000-10-28 at 1037.46 +0000):
> Could someone tell me where I can go to adjust the color of the text for the 
> desktop icons?  Including making the text transparent to the background.  I 
> found it last night but today I simply cannot find it anymore. I wonder if I 
> am not confusing this with KDE?

For the shape, in a GMC window choose Settings > Preferences > Desktop >
Use shaped text.

In past weeks Andy posted some lines to add to your .gtkrc.mine:

   style "gnome-desktop-icon" {
     fg[NORMAL] = { 0.85, 0.85, 0.85 }
     bg[NORMAL] = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 }

   widget_class "*DesktopIcon*" style "gnome-desktop-icon"

The numbers are RGB in range 0 - 1, and the fg is the one you need I
guess (if you use shaped text, bg will not be used, no? but better add
it with a matching colors, to avoid problems).


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