Re: Can I bind a keystroke to lock the screen?

On Thu, Oct 26, 2000 at 09:49:49AM -0400, Sean Murphy wrote:
> I was playing around with the Sawfish settings in Gnome Control Center
> the other day and saw where in the Shortcuts section, you can set up
> keystrokes to be bound to certain actions.  Since I unfortunately have
> to use Windows NT at work, I have gotten really used to being able to
> uses ctrl-alt-delete to bring up a logout/lock dialog.
> On my Linux machine, I would like to be able to bind ctrl-alt-delete to
> lock my screen (I think that program is xlock?).  Searching through the
> available settings, I see where there are options to binding keys to
> logging out, rebooting, etc. but not one that will lock the screen.  Can
> I set something up that will do this?  I did see there is a "Command"
> function you can bind a keystroke to, so maybe I should set "xlock" as
> the command and then grab "ctrl-alt-delete" as the keystroke assigned to
> it?
> If anyone has an suggestions or elegant ways of doing this, I'd love to
> hear it!

That's the way to do it.  But you might want to bind "xscreensaver-command
-lock" to it instead of xlock since that runs the screensaver instead of
xlock. (Two different programs)

Erik Bågfors               | Center for Parallel Computers    |
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