Re: Pan issues

On Wed, Oct 18, 2000 at 03:14:05PM +0200, Gorycki, Janusz wrote:
> > Has anybody else read the pan homepage. It says they lost
> > a law suit to the RIAA becasue pan enable people to 
> > download and decode mp3 from newgroups. It just seems 
> > kinda sur-real to me becasue this seems even more
> > removed from piracy than napster and I haven't seen it
> > in the news anywhere. 

> Relax, says that it's just a
> joke.

But, shhhh...  They might be listening.  If your musical tastes tend
to serendipity, as do mine, Pan is actually a much more useful tool
than Gnome-napster, IMHO.  Once you figure out the right combinations
of buttons to click on that top panel and how to best sort the 
article list, Pan for me is like a kid in a candy shop.  This package
has come a long way in a short time.  Too bad about the name.

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