Re: RH7/gnome compile queries

Alan Shutko <ats acm org> writes:

> Joachim Backes <backes rhrk uni-kl de> writes:
> > >  When I compile programs I get a warning of
> > >  
> > >  /usr/include/IIOP/iiop-encoders.h:17:31: warning: pasting would not give
> > >  a valid preprocessing token
> > possibly, this is an effect of the gcc contained in RH 7 (gcc-2.96, this
> > is a no-release release, which is not authorized by the gcc team).
> Yes, it is, but it's not a bug in it.  The warning is valid.

Let see:

 - the warning is harmless

 - it is warning about a previously documented GCC extension which is
   slightly incompatible with strict ANSI C; I'm not sure if the
   warning is going to be kept in in this form; I've heard indications
   to the contrary.   

 - GTK+-1.2.9 (probably out in a couple of weeks) will include some 
   simple changes to remove the warning

 - I'm not going to get into the compiler issue, other than to say: I
   personally like the compiler, read the release notes if you want to
   compile your kernel, there were some communication screwups.


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