Eterm 0.9

Hi to all...

I've got a silly question, but I do not know, how to fix this.

I want to start Eterm with a special geometry like:

"Eterm -0 -g200x200+0+0"

The +0+0 will make, that Eterm will be open at the left top corner on my
desktop, right... but at me, it starts in the middle on my desktop.

I think, the position don't be respected, so, I don't know, how I can
specify the position explizit

"xterm -g200x200+0+0" works fine!

I'm using the latest Gnome with sawfish!

May anyone help me?



One time, you all will be emulate by linux!

Jan- Hendrik Palic
E-Mail: "palic billgotchy de"

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