Re: GNOME Performance (was Re: Suggestions)


If you install the precompiled binaries from a distro like RedHat you
may end up with i386 distributions. For some obscure reason, when I
install RedHat 6.2 on my computer (an Athlon 650 with 320mB of RAM) it
decides that it's going to install the i386 RPM's probably because it
can't work out that an Athlon is an i686.

The short of the matter is that I end up with a 650MHZ i386 - hardly a
good use of my resources.

I tend to rebuild everything like crazy with the following flags:

CFLAGS=-O5 -march=athlon -fomit-frame-pointer -ffast-math
-finline-functions -malign-loops=4 -malign-jumps=4 -malign-functions=4

(I use Athlon GCC, most would want to change the march to pentium or

I also throw debugging out the window because it does actually conflict
with the way the compiler wants to optimise things. Believe me, the
difference once I've done this is absolutely astounding.

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