RedHat 6.1 + Helixcode GNOME and PAM

It appears that, when I login, PAM does not change the permissions of
the console devices so that I have ownership.  Can anyone give me a hint
as to why this stop working?  I am running the following:


My /etc/security/console.perms file looks like the following:

# /etc/security/console.perms
# This file determines the permissions that will be given to priviledged
# users of the console at login time, and the permissions to which to
# revert when the users log out.

# format is:
#   <class>=list of regexps specifying consoles or globs specifying
#   file-glob|<class> perm dev-regex|<dev-class> \
#     revert-mode revert-owner[.revert-group]
# the revert-mode, revert-owner, and revert-group are optional, and
# to 0600, root, and root, respectively.
# For more information:
# man 5 console.perms

# file classes -- these are regular expressions
<console>=tty[0-9][0-9]* :[0-9]\.[0-9] :[0-9]
<xconsole>=:[0-9]\.[0-9] :[0-9]

# device classes -- these are shell-style globs
<sound>=/dev/dsp* /dev/audio* /dev/midi* \
        /dev/mixer* /dev/sequencer
<cdrom>=/dev/cdrom /dev/cdwriter
<fb>=/dev/fb /dev/fb[0-9]*
<v4l>=/dev/video* /dev/radio* /dev/winradio* /dev/vtx* /dev/vbi*

# permission definitions
<console>  0660 <floppy>    0660 root.floppy
<console>  0600 <sound>     0640 root.sys
<console>  0600 <cdrom>     0600 root.disk
<console>  0600 <pilot>     0660 root.tty
<console>  0600 <jaz>       0660 root.disk
<console>  0600 <zip>       0660 root.disk
<console>  0600 <sparQ>     0660 root.disk
<console>  0600 <scanner>   0600 root
<console>  0600 <fb>        0600 root
<console>  0600 <kbd>       0600 root
<console>  0600 <joystick>  0600 root
<console>  0600 <v4l>       0600 root
<console>  0700 <gpm>       0700 root

<xconsole> 0600 /dev/console 0600 root.root

Bruce W. Bigby
An elegant piece of software is one in which its design and
its implementation are one and the same.

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