Re: Installing new Gnome apps

Most of the packages install your things into /usr/, whereas when you compile something (./configure, make, make install) it goes into /usr/local.
So if you were in a happy little world where you compiled everything, or 
where there were up to date packages of everything, you could just stick 
with one or the other!  But since that's not really an option, try 
supplying ./configure with the --prefix=/usr option.  This will put your 
compiled apps into the same places that the packages like to put 
them.  This way you can have a mix of compiled and packaged apps without 
symlinking your system to death!
Cory 'G' Watson

At 09:38 AM 11/18/00 +0100, Roel Diederen wrote:
Hi all,

Whenever I install a new gnome application (usually from source), the new
app doesn't show up in the menu.
The program gets installed somewhere in /usr/local/share/gnome
instead of /usr/share/gnome where all the default apps are.

How do I get gnome to see also the apps in /usr/local ??

I'm using slackware 7.1


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