info on $HOME/.gnome configuration files Please ?

I didn't find any answer to these questions
(faq, mailing list, system help, man)

1) where I can find information on users's config gnome files format
( the files that are in $HOME/.gnome* )

2) especially, where I can find information on
$HOME/.gnome/panel.d/default files

3) what are the other possibilities, I can find under
$HOME/.gnome/panel.d ?
Is it related to $LANG ?
the default is the default of what ?

4) If you create icons in your panel under a given $LANG (say en_US) and
you change it to an other (say fr), the next time you log in, you loose
every launcher icon created under en_US.
Someone has already solved this problem ?

to the developpers :
5) why some parameters in file under $HOME/.gnome/panel.d refer to
the absolute path of the home directory ? It's stupid. Use the $HOME
variable !!!

I will enjoy if someone can say me where I can find decent man pages
on gnome (mainly interested in section 4 and 8)

I will enjoy for any information on this subject.
thank you for any help or pointer


I have to install different given environnement for 300 users depending
on the group they are working in.
For each group, I have a template user and I generate an environnement
under this user. and the idea was to copy this environnement under the
user $HOME/.gnome.
When I log in under a real user, many icons are missing.
I notice that under the home directory, many informations are stored
using the absolute path of the user's home directory. (I made a script
to update it depending of the user).
I notice that the LANG variable is important for some parameters in
these files.
It seems that at the first problem, the icon is not loaded, and that a
is never taken. (for instance, if the LANG variable is different from
the one
used to create the launcher)

using gnome 1.0.53, solaris 5.6 on sparc
Nur der kleine Geist hält Ordnung, das Genie beherrscht das Chaos.
Seuls les petits esprits aiment l'ordre, le génie maitrîse le chaos.

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