RE: gtkhtml

On Wed, 28 Jun 2000 14:27:06 -0400, Poletti, Don said:

> Steve,
>  I'm with you on this one.
>  I haven't doen enough to know if this is a viable solution
>  or if I'm talking through my hat.
>  Can't it be coded with inheritance? make a gtkhtml that has
>  no gnome dependancy and the make a gnomehtml widget/class
>  that adds the gconf, gnome print etc??? IF this is possible
>  then to me it a no-brainer. you place code where it belongs
>  and you don't create bad dependacies. If you do promote the
>  code up the dependacy tree (i.e. gtkhtml->gnomehtml)

This could be done quite easily.. especially if the *HTML widget exported
enough of its private functions to make such a wrapper easy to code.  It
would (in my mind) be the right way to do this.  You have the core widget
.. it has open methods for loading and "saving" the html data, plus
hooks for editing functions.  This is distributed as a base HTML widget,
focus is kept on making it parse everything under the sun (CSS,
JavaScript maybe, ImageMaps, etc)

Then, if you want to use this widget with bonobo, gconf, etc, you have a
wrapper.  This wrapper adds the bonobo / gnome-print / gconf etc methods
to the HTML widget. Using the public methods for "saving" the data you
could get at the info needed by gnome-print ...  This would not be hard
to do at all.  In fact, it is what is currently done, with the exception
being that the wrapper code is hard wired into the widget.  My fork just
stripped those layers away, exposing the "raw" Gtk core.  (And since then
has added some functionality .. but that is besides the point)

Steve Kordik	 
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