Forget that nonsense altogether!

+++ Fri, Jun 23, 2000 at 09:49:38AM -0700 +++
> > How about: "Gnow what you want to do tomorrow"
> > 
> > :-)
> GNOME: Building for the future

People, face it: Slogans for something as complex as GNOME are always
going to be cheesy, commercial and ridiculous; and do you really want
to have a commercial-sounding slogan now? The looks of the Web site
are already far too commercial for my taste.

The most reasonable thing to do is to drop the slogan altogether. And
then, needs a redesign. We are not a frigging corporation.

Warkus' Law of Unix Software Evolution:
1. Common sense will eventually win out.
2. We didn't say it would happen soon.
                                                               -- mawa

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