Re: What starts the window manager?

On Tue, Jun 20, 2000 at 12:57:48AM -0500, Richard A. Smith wrote:

> My newly installed Helix system dosen't seem to start a windows manager. 
> A ps listing verifys that no programs that look like a WM are running. 
> What should I look at? What is the default window manager for a Helix
> install?

 don't know about the default in helix-install...

But did you try to use the gnome-controlcenter to chose one and tried ?
This is the toolbox which appears on the panel on the bottom of the
srceen. It will open and have focus without a running windowmanager.

In it you should be able to chose the option "windowmanager" and get a
menu with available choices.

Try sawfish if avail., or enlightenment, which is beautyful but uses
lotsa resources, which is not too good on weak machines...

on the lower part of the controlcenter press "try" (or what equals this in
your LANG-setup) to let gnome start it up.

If succesful with one of the options, then save your session (a window
pops up to offer this possibility) and close all the superfluous windows
you have open, including Gnome-control-center after pressing "ok" for

Now log out of Gnome and answer "save current setup" in the checkbox
while ending gnome.

When trying to reenter Gnome, your chosen windowmanager should be started
by "gnome-session" , which is what should be started as you chose a

Depending on your distribution, you might like to use a modified
start-file for gnome-sessions, which coexists with your
default-xssesionstartfile  (~/.xinitrc on my SuSE)

####### snip ~/.gnomerc ########

  ### insert ~/.bashrc for environment-settings and such.. ##
source ~/.bashrc

export TERM=xterm

## I've commented the following out, but you wanna compare with ##
## your normal xstartfile and re-enter them somehow, I'd bet... ###

#if [ -f ~/.Xmodmap ]; then
#    xmodmap ~/.Xmodmap
#if [ -f ~/.Xdefaults ]; then
#    xrdb -merge ~/.Xdefaults
#if [ -f ~/.Xresources ]; then
#    xrdb -merge ~/.Xresources

	### start my pland ###

#exec pland &

	### start the actual gnome-session now... ###

	### here we get when the session exits... ###
######## kill pland if existent and mine... ############
#killall -15 pland
##### that's it ! ######################################

		HTH, drifter

 Those who will not reason, are bigots, those who cannot, are fools,
   and those who dare not, are slaves. -George Gordon Noel Byron

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