Re: make gnome listen on localhost:*

On Fri, 16 Jun 2000, Stephen Cimarelli wrote:

> Hi all I have not been following this very closly
> but I have a question, Does ORBit support the /etc/host.allow file
> if so would it then be a procces of having the default entries in
> host.allow to only allow
> localhost and to deny all other hosts.
> or am I simplifying the probleem to much

Not at all.

However why go to the trouble of listening on a socket if it's disabled by
default. Represent the default disable by not listening ;-)

Why bother to allow localhost? After all, valid connections across
localhost will use UNIX sockets (which are more secure due to being in a
secure directory). In fact allowing localhost is still a risk - might
allow a 2nd stage in a 2 stage attack where stage 1 gets a shell


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