Re: Security (was: make gnome listen on localhost:*)

-> >	Just turn the crap off. 
-> >default it to Unix sockets instead of TCP/IP sockets

-> "An ORB [object request broker, the fundamental part of CORBA] must support
-> IIOP [the Internet [TCP/IP] Inter-ORB Protocol] (but can support other
-> additional protocols) in order to be considered to be CORBA 2.0 compliant."
-> - _Teach Yourself CORBA in 14 Days_ by Jeremy Rosenberger.
-> "Support" means turned on by default.  I think you might need to do some more
-> reading.

	Where did you get that definition of "Support"?  My interpretation
of "support" is that TCP/IP has to be *possible*, not "turned on by
default".  If you read my email, you'll notice I suggested that TCP/IP
"support" be left in ORBit.

	Presuming that all Gnome applications will use ORBit for their
inter-application communication, Unix sockets would work fine for the
desktop while greatly reducing the risk of security holes.  If people want
to use ORBit for non-Gnome stuff (like actual distributed applications),
let them turn on TCP support.  At least then they'll have a clue to
upgrade when a major buffer overflow is discovered in ORBit.


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