what's this gnome-moz-remote? - Re: netscape 4.73 & gnome 1.2:

I notice'd the netscape shortcut doesn't call netscape
directly but a program called gnome-moz-remote.  what
does this do?  Not only that but if this
gnome-moz-remote calls the first netscape in your path
and you're on Redhat 6.2 but it will most probably get
/usr/bin/netscape which isn't the real netscape but
seems to be a redhat script.  

Can anybody shed some light on what's going on? why
all the wrappers?

--- Dax Kelson <dkelson@inconnect.com> wrote:
> Gregory Hosler said once upon a time (Wed, 7 Jun
> 2000):
> > ever since I updated my RH 6.2 system to the
> latest netscape (4.73), and gnome
> > 1.2, which I unfortunately did simultaneously, my
> netscape has been incredily
> > unstable. so much so, that it is effectively
> unusable. crashes more than I
> > can possibly describe.
> > 
> > unfortunately I upgraded netscape at the same time
> as I did gnome, so I do not
> > know if this is a symptom of netscape 4.73 or or
> an interaction w/ gnome 1.2
> > 
> > anyone else experiance this ?
> It is netscape.
> Netscape 4.73 froze very often on my machine.  It
> was a quite dramatic
> difference compared to 4.72.
> Needless to say, I'm back to Netscape 4.72.  Much
> more stable.
> Dax
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