Re: Smallpanel icons

> I have seen screen shots of Gnome desktops with small icons in the panel.
> But I have not found how to configure the panel to use the smaller size
> icons.  Both my laptop display, as well as my monitor at home, are 800x600,
> and I need to recover all the display space I can.

The screenshots you saw could have been one of two things;

1) The panel was just made smaller, and the icons scaled down with it.
   (To make the panel smaller, right-click on an empty area of the panel
   and go to properties, the size menu is there.

2) You might have seen the quicklaunch applet. Tha applet allows you to
   drag stuff from the foot menu into the applet, which displays them
   as small icons (very similar to the icons on the taskbar in windows).

	= L

|   LOBAN AMAAN RAHMAN  <-- anagram of -->  AHA! AN ABNORMAL MAN!   |
|  MSC #763, Caltech, Pasadena, CA 91126, USA. Tel: 1-626-395-1406  |
|,,     |

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