Re: Binaries from GNOME project

On 01-Jun-00 Ian McKellar wrote:
> GNOME never provided binaries. Binaries were either contributed by 
> distributions such as RH or Debian, or were supplied by individual hackers
> (many of whom happen to now work for Helix).
> I can understand that you don't want to run binaries compiled by someone 
> else. Thats why you can get the tarballs. I don't really see your problem.

        While I haven't tried the 1.2 release, the previous versions
of GNOME tarballs have been pretty easy to turn into RPMS using the
"rpm -tb" command line switch. Occasionally, I've had to untar a tarball
and correct version numbers, etc., but for the most part this has been
a trivial procedure.

        I agree that it would be nice if RH RPMS of the bleeding edge
were available somewhere, but building the RPMS yourself is pretty
easy to do.

Date: 01-Jun-00  Time: 14:34:37

Craig Orsinger                  (email: <>)
Logicon Advanced Technology
Bldg. 8B28                      "Just another megalomaniac with ideas above his
6th & F Streets                 station. The Universe is full of them."
Ft. Lewis, WA   98433                   - The Doctor

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