Multiple heads

Can anyone point me to a FAQ on how to get Gnome working well on a
multi-headed system?  (Not Xfree86 xinerama, but old fashioned :0.0 :0.1)

If I just start up one gnome-session it only displays on :0.0 so I have
to manually start something on :0.1.  It seems that I'm supposed to be
using --sm-client-id and --sm-config-prefix but when I give those to a
second instance of gnome-session it complains that gnome-smproxy is
already running.  It seems to be seeing the one from :0.0 and thinking
thats from :0.1.  It then appears that the configurations are
overlapping.  I've tried a fair number of iterations of calling
gnome-session, sawfish, panel, etc. but I still haven't gotten it to
work reliably.

I guess the main question I have is what CLIs do I run and in what
order to get two sessions, one on each head, using their own
configuration files.

As an aside, enlightenment used to figure out that I had two heads and
starting one instance would create two instances automatically.  Are
there any plans to have gnome-session be smart enough to spawn off the
right apps to generate multiple sessions?


Daniel Hiltgen                 (
Phone: 510-574-9708     Fax: 510-574-9502     MS: UNWK04-105
Storage Utilities Software Development

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