Re: icon positions on desktop

cyberclay wrote:
> Hey,
>   I currently have around 20 icons on my desktop, all arranged in
> vertical columns starting at the top left corner of my desktop.  The
> columns go down to the very bottom of my screen.  The problem is that
> the GNOME panel overlaps the last icon in the column.  Is there a way
> to prevent this?  Ideally, I'd like to stop the column of icons just
> above the panel.
> Regards,
>   cyberclay

Someone else asked the very same question not long ago and I don't
remember seeing anyone reply with a good solution.

Wish List Feature: Being able to set the desktop icons location by using
a resizable rectangle boundary. The boundary could be set in the
properties page by clicking on a desktop map and dragging a rectangular
selection. Once you click "OK" Gnome would arrange the icons so that
they filled the rectangle homogeneously. The set_desktop_icon_boundary
handler would need to calculate things like a minimum required display
area, and the optimal arrangement within the selected area. I'm not
familiar enough with gmc to know whether this would be hideously
complicated or dead easy. Any comments?

Sorry I couldn't give you a better answer.


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