gnomecal/palm question


If this is the wrong list for this question, please direct me to the
right one.

I'm trying to get away from WinNT for my desktop, and for a starter, I'm
trying to use gnomecal and gnomecard to be the desktop apps for my
Palm.  I have the conduits working OK, but have the following problems

1) gnomecal doesn't seem to have a field that corresponds to the "note"
field associated with palm datebook events
1.5) as a consequence, I'm adding long descriptions of my events, and
they seem to get truncated

2) both 'cal and 'card: delete key acts like emacs "delete-char" -
deletes a char forward of the cursor rather than behind.  Can I change
this by adding something to my .Xdefaults that will be specific to these
two apps (or some other way?)

3) gnomecal always starts smaller than I like - is there some way to
save a config, or specify the initial layout from the command line?

4) I can't find the "search" feature on gnomecal - useful for answering
questions like "when's that dentist appointment?"  Is there one, or do I
need to resort to grep on the database file

5) Has anyone written anything that translates to/from the vcal/vcard
formats to XML?  This would be really handy for keeping an XML contact
list in one place that could then be munged to go to the palm, or a
personal website, or plain text, etc.

Thanks in advance.

 Seattle, WA

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