Re: MDI bug?

Quoting Jaka Mocnik (
> Gustavo Joćo Alves Marques Carneiro wrote:
> > 
> >         I've been experiencing segfaults in a gnome program I'm working
> > on, but I think it's bug in gnome-libs. I've been able to reproduce it in
> > gedit. Here's how:
> >         1- run gedit
> >         2- Select "Create new window" on the menu.
> >         3- Close the empty new window
> >         4- exit gedit
> >         When exiting, after all windows have been closed, the gnome crash
> > dialog appears.
> indeed, it was an MDI bug. it is fixed on CVS now, both in stable and
it was? and all the time i thought i had done something wrong.. ;]

<-- Alex Roberts --------- bse -->
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