Re: question / CeBit2000

--- Marcus Franke <> wrote:
> Greetings out there around the world,
> yesterday I spent my time running around the
> CeBit2000 in
> Hannover here in Germany. I must say that it was as
> impressing
> as every year!! Have you ever seen an IBM OS/390
> running
> Linux? And as terminals they had somme X11 stations
> running
> gnome!! Yeah, that was really adorable :)
> BUT where else could I see gnome? At SuSE there was
> a huge
> presentation of KDE2 and I have seen lots of people
> standing
> there listening.. 
> Why was no where a comparable presentation of gnome?
Well, it's true that since CeBit2000 is in German, it
gives Suse an advantage to market KDE over RedHat and
But I think that the best presentation/publicity is
the honest one made by it's developers/users. Here in
Portugal, in Inforpor expo, GNU/Linux was represented
almost totally by volunteers. In the pavilion I was, I
brought my laptop with Gnome, which increased it's
visibility a bit more(although about 70% of GNU/Linux
computers had KDE).
People who use and enjoy Gnome could be more active in
their country, and take the effort of doing
presentations(yes, even if only a couple of people are
watching you:)) and generally showing Gnome to people.

> Btw. kde2 looks nice :)
Ah, but does it look cool like Gnome does?:)

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