Re: Request: Test suite for EFS.

(Lot's of good stuff snipped for e-brevity)...

Mike Bond wrote:

> It was suggested earlier in this discussion to have those in favor of
> EFS prototype, test and benchmark that, those that wanted the zip format
> to do the same, and those that wanted the directory structure to do the
> same. The problem with that is I have a feeling that there are those out
> there that would like to see some end result sometime this decade :P I'm
> pretty sure someone is off doing one of these already as the rest of us
> discuss it.
> MikeB

I suspect that this is fairly impossible without knowing what the intended API is.

Hammering out the API for accessing the compound document seems far more important
than the actual document format.  Given the right API, a compound document could be
structured in any of the ways that have been suggested on this thread, and many that
haven't been suggested (i.e. corba supplied document where the subparts reside on
multiple servers, etc...)

It's been a good discussion so far - lot's of thought provoking ideas have been presented.
(and of course ripped apart, but hey... - if the idea can't stand criticism it probably shouldn't
be foisted on linux users).


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