Re: shutdown prompt question

"Dave S" <> writes:
> However, only one odditiy - when i shutdown as root, every shuts down fine 
> and then i don't have to press my power off button - it automatically shuts 
> it down.
> When i shutdown (ie. logout->halt) as a regular user, all the processes 
> shutdown okay, but then it just sits at the screen with the last message 
> saying "Power down" and i must then do it manually.
> Not a big deal, but is there something i can do to make it shut the power 
> off for regular user hree too?

This goes through APM, so probably your regular user doesn't have
permission to access /dev/apm_bios or something - you might add this
device to /etc/security/console.perms and see if it helps.

Should likely be in there by default, hmm.


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