Re: Memory Issues

don poletti comverse-in com (2000-12-20 at 1251.11 -0500):
> I'm a little confused by this here is a ps -aux snippet
> thanks to oleg. There are 4 process ids. Threads do not
> get a process id, or am I missing something.
> oleg      1994  0.0  0.4 32676  272 tty2     S    Dec18   0:26 [mozilla-bin]
> oleg      1996  0.0  0.4 32676  272 tty2     S    Dec18   0:00 [mozilla-bin]
> oleg      1997  0.0  0.4 32676  272 tty2     S    Dec18   0:02 [mozilla-bin]
> oleg      1998  0.0  0.4 32676  272 tty2     S    Dec18   0:00 [mozilla-bin]

Linux (your OS, no?) gives one PID to each thread. All those
mozilla-bin are probably one app, suposing you only launched one.

When you get a 200 MB netscape-navigator is when it really becomes
fun. And a 43 MB core is also pretty fun. Windows has BSoD, we have
Mozilla attack.


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