Re: Tasklist or bust!!

Sydney Weidman wrote:
> I've been trying to get the new tasklist working on my Gnome panel. It's
> not doing what I expect it to, and I'm not sure if this is because it's
> doing the wrong things or because I'm expecting the wrong things.
> All the tasks seem to show up, but it seems as if no matter which task I
> click on, I always get transported to the first window in the list
> (which is the oldest window on my desktop).
> I'm using Sawmill 0.11 and tasklist 1.0.53.
> Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

	I am having the same problem, but I have something to add to it. In the
desk guide it seems that the correct app gets the focus (goes blue in my
case) but the display goes to the first view. 

|XXX| []|<- the app gets the focus
|XXX|   |
The view that gets the display

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