Re: Integrate VMware and Gnome - continued

> method then can be specialized for that particular community.  My
> customers for instance are very picky on how software is announced to
> them.  Some prefer just email, others prefer the "pop up on their
> desktop", in either case, they want options on their desktop that will
> allow them to toggle the feature.

If gnome had a mechanism for this, perhaps the user could be prompted the
first time new software is installed and asked how they would like this sort
of infomation (new apps) made available in the futer, be it via email, icons
magicly appearing on the desktop, icons appearing in the menu, not being
told at all, or a similar popup on login. I agree that something like this
will need to be implimented, and it seems that if the app tells gnome "I'm
here" and gnome handles informing the user, things remain more consistant,
not having a pile of apps do different things. If people dissagree on how
the user should be informed it should be an option :-)


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