Re: gdm2 beta 2 won't log me in if I double-click on a user

> Dan> 2) I found a way for the password to appear in clear text.  Try
> Dan>     this:
> Dan> * Double-click on a user name
> Dan> * Enter an incorrect password and hit <CR>
> Dan> * Double-click on a new user name
> Dan> * Notice that the login text looks funny: i.e. displays something
> Dan>   like
> Dan>     Login: UPassword:
> Dan> * Type in the password.  It appears in clear text, not *'s.  Note
> Dan>   that if you
> Dan> enter the correct password it will log in as usual.
> Weird. Can't reproduce this one either (I'm very good at this :)
> `U' is the opcode for create-an-entry-with-echo-turned-off, so it's a
> protocol error. Will investigate.

Note that this still occurs in beta4.  I'm on glibc-2.0.7, RH5.1.


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