
How I have to use memprof?

I wanted to test memprof, so I wrote that programm.

#include <glib.h>

int main()
  gchar *word;

  word = g_strdup("Hallo\n");
  return 0;

I compiled it: "gcc -o mptest mptest.c -g -Wall -pg -lglib"

So I ran memprof, run command, ...
and now memprof does nothing. It react, yes. It needs CPU time, yes it
seem to be that memprof works.

Did I made a fault, or is that always like that?
Will memprof come to an end?

Fahrt wohl, wo auch immer Ihr hinfahrt,
bis Ihr am Ende Eurer Reise wieder wohlbehalten in Euren Horsten landet.

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