Re: Compiling problemo when using GnomeCanvasItem functions

>  I'm developing a gnome game "gchch" (Gnome Chinese Checkers). I'm using the
>  GnomeCanvas and GnomeCanvasItem objects somewhat. When I compile my code
>  (using "gnome-config --cflags --libs gnome gnomeui") I get errors claiming
>  undefined references to the following functions I used:
>  	gnome_canvas_item_resize
>  	gnome_canvas_item_scale
>  (and probably more that I haven't used yet).

These functions are not implemented, even though they are in the
header files.  You have to create an affine transformation by hand
(you can use art_affine_scale()) and use one of the 
gnome_canvas_item_affine_*() functions to apply it to an item.



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